Wednesday, July 7, 2010

x, y, z table for a bunch of points

This is how I got an xyz table of a bunch of points. (There is probably a better way out there.)

1. Using arc catalog, create a shapefile of points. Then add columns to the attribute table, x, y
2. In arcmap, start an edit session and click away on the points.
3. End and save edit session, I think.
4. Right click on shapefile in Table of Contents column and open Attribute Table. All of the points should be there.
5. Right click on the x column
6. Click Calculate Geometry
7. Choose X coordinate of Point, Use coordinate system of the data source (UTM meters)
8. Repeat with x column and Y coordinate of the Point
9. Use Toolbox -> Spatial analyst Tools -> Extraction -> Extract Values From Points
Input point features (point shapefile)
Input raster (DEM)
Output point features (choose your name)
Click OK
10. This should create a new column in the table. Now you can save the table and export the .dbf if you wish, and do whatever you want with it.

Overview of Extraction tools


  1. this is what I have used:

  2. Oh yay. Feedback from someone who knows what he's doing. Great, thanks!
