Wednesday, March 3, 2010

profile & tic & toc

it seems like i have exhausted my knowledge of matlab functions. i am still waiting for guest blogs for patch and ode45. i won't hold my breath. or perhaps i will.

here's something pc told me about once, i haven't used it much because my programs aren't that intensive. (not intensive for the computer, but very intensive for me to produce)


The profile function helps you debug and optimize M-files by tracking their execution time. For each M-function, M-subfunction, or MEX-function in the file, profile records information about execution time, number of calls, parent functions, child functions, code line hit count, and code line execution time. Some people use profile simply to see the child functions; see also depfun for that purpose. To open the Profiler graphical user interface, use the profile viewer syntax. By default, Profiler time is CPU time. The total time reported by the Profiler is not the same as the time reported using the tic and toc functions or the time you would observe using a stopwatch.

Hm, reminds me of that horrible song by Ke$ha, TiK ToK. horrible horrible song.

anyway. remember to debug and optimize!