Monday, October 31, 2011


HUBzero® is a platform used to create dynamic web sites for scientific research and educational activities. With HUBzero, you can easily publish your research software and related educational materials on the web.

That is all I know for now but I hope to learn more.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

geodata workshop report

Outcome of the GeoData meeting:

"A scientific culture change in regard to modern data is underway but must be accelerated."

That would be nice.

Part of the tetherless world constellation:

The meaning of TWC seems esoteric to me.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

startup.m (2)

A long time ago I wrote about setting defaults in startup.m.

Today I finally got to running my new MATLAB on my new computer and have been doing things like setting the path and specifying startup.m.

It is probably safer not to rely too much on startup.m, because if you write a program and then send it to someone else, who hasn't set default font and linewidth and etc. like your own startup.m, then things can get ugly.

I set two things in my startup.m (which is placed into a folder near the top of my path)

(1) MATLAB will open up to a specific folder:
cd C:\Users\me\Documents\MATLAB

(2) log everything I type into the commandline into a date-specific text file

diaryname = ['diary\' datestr(now, 'yyyy-mm-dd') '-diary.txt'];

I'm pretty pleased about these two things.